EuroPride 2023 in Malta: Dates, Schedule, and Parade in Valletta

In the heart of the Mediterranean lies Malta, a stunning island nation known for its rich history, gorgeous beaches, and warm hospitality. This year, Malta takes center stage as it hosts the legendary EuroPride 2023, a dazzling celebration of the LGBTQ+ community. From the 7th to the 17th of September, Malta will be awash with the colors of the rainbow, offering an extraordinary experience for both locals and visitors alike.

Dates and Program Highlights

EuroPride 2023 promises a week of unforgettable events, starting from the 7th and culminating on the 17th of September:

Photography Exhibition | 7th to 12th September

Dive into the essence of Pride through powerful visuals, capturing moments of love, resistance, and unity from photographers across the Mediterranean Basin.

Opening Event | 7th of September in Valletta

The capital city, Valletta, will set the tone for the festivities with a grand inaugural event. The Pride Village at Pjazza Tritoni will welcome all the participants. Be ready to be dazzled by superstar NETTA.

Gozo Pride | Pride March & Concert

The sister island of Gozo will resonate with the spirit of Pride, ensuring celebrations span across the archipelago.

The EuroPride March | 16th of September in Valletta

The centerpiece of the celebration, thousands will march through Valletta’s historic streets, showcasing a vibrant display of colors, emotions, and messages.

The EuroPride Concert ft. Christina Aguilera

Concluding the week on a high note, a world-class concert headlined by the fabulous Christina Aguilera will leave attendees in awe.

Accommodation Options

Malta offers a range of luxurious accommodation options tailored to every budget:

Casa Rocca Piccola B&B, Valletta: A blend of Maltese tradition and modern comforts, rooms start from 240 euros.

Phoenicia Hotel, Valletta: Experience luxury near the city gates, offering proximity to the event venues.

Budget-friendly stays: Numerous LGBTQ+-friendly hostels and guesthouses are available for those seeking affordable options.

Exploring Malta

Beyond EuroPride, Malta’s treasures beckon. Visit the ancient city of Mdina, marvel at Valletta’s Baroque masterworks, and relax at the Upper Barakka Gardens with a panoramic view of the Grand Harbor.

Tips for Attendees

  • Transport: Efficient public transport connects major localities. The Bolt taxi app offers convenient rides.
  • Weather: September is warm and sunny. Pack light, but carry a hat and sunscreen.
  • Safety: Malta is among Europe’s safest countries. Stay vigilant and secure personal belongings.


EuroPride 2023 in Malta is set to be a remarkable event, celebrating love, acceptance, and the vibrant diversity of the LGBTQ+ community. Whether you’re part of the community or an ally, this event offers a chance to be part of a larger movement, all while enjoying Malta’s beauty and hospitality.

For further information, visit the official website.

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