The 5 LGBTQ+ Pride Parades in Europe You Can’t Miss in 2023

Summer in Europe is synonymous with celebration, party diversity, and also advocacy. Madrid is the first of the major Prides, but it is just the starting point. Until September, the streets of the most important cities on the continent are filled with color, joy, and a spirit of advocacy to celebrate LGBTQ+ Pride. This year, there are five events you can’t miss. The common message: there is still a long way to go.

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is known for its broad and diverse LGBTQ+ environment, and its Pride celebration is one of the largest in Spain. This year, the celebration is scheduled for this week, especially from July 13 to 16. For more information, visit the official website here and this post where we inform you about the programming.

Berlin, Germany

Berlin also celebrates its own Pride event, known as one of the most festive events of the summer. The German capital deploys a wide cultural and informative agenda throughout the month of July. From film screenings to talks about mental health: Berlin’s Pride is one of the most interesting in Europe. The famous parade takes place on July 22. For more information, visit the official website here.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Amsterdam hosts a unique Pride parade called Canal Pride. The parade takes place on boats along the city’s canals on August 5. On either side, citizens launch into enthusiastic participation in Pride. The parties, which take place from Friday, August 4, to Sunday, August 6, 2023, are held in several streets and squares in the capital of the Netherlands. For more details, visit the official website here.

Reykjavik, Iceland

Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, is famous for its LGBTQ+ Pride celebration, known as Reykjavik Pride. This event attracts thousands of people each year, both locals and tourists, and is one of the largest events in the country. The city’s streets are filled with color and joy, with a parade that runs through the city center and numerous events and parties that take place throughout the celebration week. For more details, visit the official website here. This year it is scheduled for the days between August 8 and 13.

Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, is known for its Pride week, which is one of the largest LGBTQ+ events in Scandinavia. The city is filled with events, parties, and, of course, the grand Pride parade. For more information, visit the official website here. This year the main dates go from July 31 to August 5, although the acts extend beyond these dates.


LGBTQ+ Pride in Europe is a celebration of diversity, inclusion, and love. Each city offers a unique experience, full of color, joy, and solidarity. Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of these incredible celebrations this summer.

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